Fall Bid & Benefit Surpasses $5,000 Goal

Our online Bid & Benefit auction (held November 15-28, 2023) in support of the Lois Hole Hospital for Women, was a success—thanks to you!
With your help, we raised more than $5,000 for women’s healthcare!
A massive thank you to all of our Women's Society supporters who secured auction items and to all of the businesses and individuals who donated:
Chartier Ed-Lam Industrial Contracting Floc Boutique Ginger & Sage Handmade by Jaime Happy & Olive |
Headlines Hair Studio Hello Photography Janine Robin Martini’s Hair Design Nakatsui Dermasurgery Ricci’s SYC Brewing |
Tiffany and Co. The Edmonton Elks Football Club The Firefly Restaurant & Bar The Vision Parlour Twice Cream Wendy Kinsella |
Spring Bid & Benefit
April 22 - May 7, 2024
Details to come!